Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Conocarpus: 'Dubai plant' dangerous to health

 Thousands of plants are also planted in nurseries of Forest Department, BBMP, BDA on roads

 'Dubai plant' dangerous to health

Kere Manjunath ಕೆರೆ ಮಂಜುನಾಥ್ 

 Bengaluru: Conocarpus plant, which spoils the rain environment, adversely affects the health of citizens, is banned in the UAE and two states of the country, is spreading in the city.

 Conocarpus plant has been banned in Gujarat and Telangana states in 2023 as it is harmful to human health and will cause a situation where the rains do not come down in the area where these plants grow. In Gujarat these plants and trees have been cleared uprooted and burnt.

 The harmful Conocarpus plant also known as 'Dubai plant' has been planted and is being planted by Forest Department, BBMP, BDA in most areas of the city. BBMP and BDA are growing hundreds of conocarpus plants in the middle of the city's main main road, outer ring roads and central part roads. BBMP has also planted conocarpus in its gardens.

 Thousands of saplings are also being cultivated in the nurseries of BDA, BBMP and Forest Department. Conocarpus is fast growing and does not require much care. Rather quickly the green spreads and takes root. Due to this, government departments are planting more of this plant. In order to show more greenery, citizens, authorities are nurturing plants that are harmful to the environment.

There was not much information about the adverse effects of Conocarpus plant. Planted to grow fast. There are also plants in nurseries. Recently, experts have brought to our attention that it absorbs ground water more and affects breathing. Its seeds are large, from which plants arise. We now know that this is fatal. We have brought to the attention of senior officials about banning these plants. BBMP and BDA officials said that the higher officials of the forest department should take action.

 Associations and citizens should not plant large number of deadly Conocarpus plants in the nursery of BBMP and Forest Departments on the occasion of Environment Day. Experts have requested that only local plants should be given priority.

Harmful to Health...

 Conocarpus plant – The tree is high in carbon and emits a deadly acid that has a harmful effect on the human body, causing respiratory problems. Allergic diseases including cold, cough, asthma arise. Harmful to the health of native insects, birds and animals. In winter, this plant-tree is more affected. Excessive rooting can also damage underground cables and pipelines. 

 'should be Clear...'

 Conocarpus, which is prohibited elsewhere as it affects health and is naturally deadly to insects and birds, should not be cultivated. Plant expert N.M. should also take action to clear the trees and plants that are being planted and grown. Ganesh Babu demanded.

'We have brought to our attention...'

 We have brought to the attention of the forest department officials about the planting of conocarpus trees in BBMP. The dangers caused by these plants were explained to them and they were requested to take action to ban them. Planted plants should be removed. Before that, care should be taken not to plant these trees,' said 'Tree Doctor' Vijay Nishant.

 'We will take action...'

 Experts have brought to our home attention about the ill effects of Conocarpus plants. The plant is grown in the middle of the roads as it is more green. We will bring it to the attention of senior officials and discuss it and take action," said BBMP Forest Department officers.

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