Friday, August 9, 2024

3.35 out of 10 for Greater Bangalore Governance Bill

 The Greater Bangalore Governance Bill lacks responsive, progressive elements: Janagraha

 3.35 out of 10 for Greater Bangalore Governance Bill

Kere Manjunath ಕೆರೆ ಮಂಜುನಾಥ್ 

 Bengaluru: The Greater Bangalore Governance Bill (GBG) proposed by the state government has scored 3.35 out of 10 in the comparative demographic analysis.

 The bill lacks the progressive elements needed to build a vibrant and modern Bangalore. It is also said that the government has ignored many desirable recommendations made by the Brand Bangalore Committee.

 Srikanth Viswanathan, chief executive officer of Janagraha, released the information on the comparative analysis report on Monday.

 In 2014, the state government formed the BBMP restructuring committee. It was renamed in 2024 and rebranded as Bangalore Samiti (BBC). This committee prepared the draft bill for Greater Bangalore Governance (GBG). Janagraha had undertaken an in-depth comparative analysis of the GBG Bill based on the urban-systems framework.

 The Greater Bangalore Municipal Corporation Act-2020 and the Karnataka Municipal Corporations (KMC) Act, 1976 were also considered in the study. The GBG Bill has scored dismal scores in all categories including urban planning and design, urban capacity, resources, power, legitimate political representation, transparency, accountability and citizen participation. Overall, the GBG informed that the bill scored 3.35 out of 10.

 Bangalore is contributing significantly to the country's economy. People here deserve a good quality of life at par with international cities. The GBG Bill introduces a progressive governance model. Srikanth said that the expectation of significant improvement in various dimensions of people's lives has been limited and people's faith has been betrayed.

Santosh Naragunda, head of the People's Partnership Administration, said, 'People are looking forward to the reconstruction effort of Bangalore with hope. There is a palpable optimism among the people that a more professional administration would make a significant improvement in the day-to-day lives of the citizens. But the GBG bill presented in the assembly is very disappointing. He said that there is still a desire to make the necessary citizen-friendly amendment.

 VR Vachana, head of Civic Law and Policy of Janagraha said, 'Though Bangalore has the Municipal Corporation Act, it does not have the features of a metropolitan administration. He said that if citizens are to be able to provide quality life, there should be an act that meets the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century.

 The recommendations of the Bangalore Brand Committee have been abandoned by the government

 * The Greater Bangalore Authority is responsible for the comprehensive planning of the Bangalore metropolitan area.

 * Mayor-in-Council (Volume System)

 * Monitoring for complaint and corruption control

 * Empowerment of Mahanagara Corporation in its staff appointments, establishment of Pauraseva Cadre

 * Financial oversight for the Council

 * Council approves the corporation budget

 * Citizens giving their suggestions for budget through ward committees.

 How many points for what? (at 10)

  •  GBG Bill of Brand Bangalore Committee; 6.5
  •  The proposed GBG Bill; 3.35
  •  BBMP Act; 3.23
  •  KMC Act; 2.04

How many marks in which category? (at 10)

 * Urban planning and design

  •  GBG Bill presented;0
  •  GBG Bill of Brand Bangalore Committee; 6.33

 * Capacity and resources of the city

  •  GBG Bill presented; 6.5
  •  GBG Bill of Brand Bangalore Committee; 9

 *Power and legitimate political representation

  •  GBG Bill presented; 4.55
  •  GBG Bill of Brand Bangalore Committee; 6.21

 *Transparency, accountability and participation

  •  GBG Bill presented; 2.36
  •  GBG Bill of Brand Bangalore Committee; 4.45

 Janagraha suggestions for improvement

 *Let Metropolitan Mayor be elected for BBMP

 * Mayors and councillors, their family's public work, contracts should be disclosed

 * Leadership development program for women and first-time councillors

 * Demarcation and reservation of wards to the State Election Commission

 * Karnataka Right to Information Rules – 2009 and amalgamation of all laws to improve transparency

 * Public participation at all levels, digital governance policy implementation through open technology, applications is mandatory

 * Appointment of Superintendent for Voluntary Corruption Investigation

 * Internal audits are mandatory for internal control, process verification

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