Saturday, August 3, 2024

C&D Waste: Collection 'from the door'

 BSWML is find the solution to a problem that has been plaguing the city for many years

 C&D Waste: Collection 'from the door'

Kere Manjunath ಕೆರೆ ಮಂಜುನಾಥ್ 

Bengaluru: To solve the problem of CONSTRUCTION WASTE disposal in the city, Bengaluru Solid Waste Management Limited (BSWML) has decided to implement a project to collect construction waste from the place of generation (door to door).

 BBMP was challenged to control the unauthorized disposal of CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (C&D) waste on roads and open areas. An important solution to this has been found and a plan has been devised by BSWML on the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. 

 BSWML will not disburse any funds in this project. The tipping fee bid per tonne shall be charged in the tender. Contractors who collect building waste transfer it to a second transfer station, from where it is disposed of by big trucks to treatment plants set up in four parts of the city.

 A primary, secondary transfer station will be established for the assembly constituency. Each center requires about half an acre of land. The available space in the corporation is given for this. Otherwise the contractor can get the space on rent.

 The infrastructure and machinery at the transfer stations will be installed by the contractor. From these centers, building waste is transported to treatment plants by trucks of 20 tonne capacity.

    Two processing units of 500 tonne capacity each at Kumbalagode, Yarappanapally and 1000 tonne capacity processing unit at Ullalu are envisaged to be set up in Bannerghatta region. Quarries and other areas are being given to these units.  

Transportation facility: BSWML is also deputing contractors for disposal of construction waste to 1750 tonne treatment plant at Kannur and Chikkajala. Building waste from primary and secondary transfer stations should be disposed of to treatment plants on a daily basis. For this only tipping fee is given. The cost of the units to be set up by them will be around ₹54.83 crore,” said BSWML Chief General Manager Basavaraja Kabade.

 Fee Payment Online: Basavaraj

 Citizens should call the telephone number provided by the corporation to dispose of building waste. The contractor will come to the site and determine its weight. Accordingly, after the citizens pay the fee to the corporation online or through challan, the contractor will carry the construction waste. This facility will be available up to 20 tonnes and most of the construction waste disposal will be allowed at the transfer station,' said Basavaraja Kabade, Chief General Manager of BSWML.

 Public-Private Partnership Project

 Payment of fees by citizens to corporation

 Lease for a period of 15 years

  •  ₹210.54 crore; Overall project cost
  •  4 processing units with a daily processing capacity of 500 tonnes each
  •  Establishment of 1 unit processing 1000 tonnes per day

 Unauthorized dumping of construction waste at 724 locations on 87 major roads

  •  6,714 tons; Total building waste generated per day
  •  2541 tons; North, North-Eastern part
  •  2675 tons; East, South-East
  •  802 tons; West, south-west side
  •  696 tons; West, North-West part

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